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Video Tutorials
ICM 7.10
Video Tutorial - Prepare Your Artifact Repository Server (valid to 7.10)


Welcome to Intershop’s Tutorial Prepare Your Artifact Repository Server. In this tutorial we want to show you how to prepare a local Nexus Artifact Repository server as a central tool to deploy servers in a CI environment.

This tutorial is related to the Video Tutorial - Simple Setup of a Development-System (valid to 7.10).

The setup of a CI infrastructure with CI servers and version control system are not part of this tutorial. The following artifact repository servers are available and work with the Intershop Continous delivery tools: the Sonatype Nexus, JFrog Artifactory and Apache Archiva. In this tutorial we only installed and started the Sonatype Nexus.


In this tutorial we use Sonatype Nexus 2.x.


Video Tutorial



In this tutorial we want to prepare a local artifact repository server that will be used for the deployment of the Intershop Commerce Management (see also: Video Tutorial - Simple Setup of a Development-System (valid to 7.10)).


For this tutorial we already installed and started the Artifact Repository Sonatype Nexus. Now start with the following:

  1. Open the recipe Recipe - Configure Artifact Repository Server within the Cookbook Cookbook - Setup CI Infrastructure.
  2. Under Configuration Steps you will find a table listing all necessary repositories that need to be created and configured
  3. Start with all proxy repositories (according to, Enter the ID, the Name and the Remote Storage Location from Central, JCenter and Intershop. Intershop ivy and intershop maven are no longer relevant.


    As of March 31, 2021, JCenter no longer provides new artifacts. Therefore Gradle deprecated the jCenter repository configuration and will remove this in the next major version. Intershop switched for new artifacts also to Maven Central.

    What is necessary for the future? Add to your Maven repository configuration parallel to the JCenter configuration a configuration for Maven Central.

  4. You need an authentication for the Intershop.Proxy.Repository -> Login and Username are defined in the Support Contract Details.


    Please make sure that Discovery is unchecked in the routing tab.

  5. Create all needed hosted repositories; releases and snapshots already exist. Therefore we only need to create the Distributions repository.
  6. Create the groups repository components and switch the needed repository from Available Repositories to Ordered Group Repositories in the following order: Central, JCenter, Intershop, Releases. If everything is configured correctly every repository is stated as In Service.
  7. To use the Nexus for the intershop deployment, we recommend to create a new Nexus User. How to create this deploy user follow our cookbook (according to
  8. Create the sources from intershop templates to upload specifics to the Nexus.
  9. For this task we use the recipe Recipe - Create Sources From Intershop Templates (according to 5.2.2)
  10. Download the master template zip file: Home - Open Terminal: wget
  11. Unzip
  12. Modify the build.gradle file under intershop-cisetup-template-master.

    Modify the build.gradle file
    setupDirectory = '/home/intershop1/intershop-cisetup-sources'
    repoBaseURL = 'http://localhost:8081/nexus/content'
    projectName = 'a_responsive'
  13. Open Terminal: ./gradlew intershopCISetupAll
  14. Our next step is to publish the Corporate Distribution on our Nexus.
  15. Open the gradle project located in /home/intershop1/intershop-cisetup-sources/devops/gradle/corporate-distribution and execute a SIMPLE PUBLISH.
  16. Disable the Source Control Management plugin (short SCM) in the build.gradle: disableSCM = true
  17. Execute the following commands with special configuration-parameters:

    Execute the following commands:
     ./gradlew publish 


    You will need the URL of the corporate distribution .zip file later in the project as distribution URL in the gradle wrapper properties files.

  18. Publish the already existing oracle project to the Nexus.

  19. Prepare the build of the Cartridge with Oracle JDBC driver libraries.

  20. You can find these libraries from the Oracle download page or from Oracle Maven repository (ojdbc7.jar, ucp.jar and ons.jar)
  21. Copy the files to <setupDirectory>/projects/oracleDriver/3rd_oracle/build//oracleLibs/jars
  22. Open /home/intershop1/intershop-cisetup-sources/projects/oracleDriver/3rd_oracle/gradle and paste the distributionURL from the Nexus in the gradle wrapper properties file.
  23. Go back to /home/intershop1/intershop-cisetup-sources/projects/oracleDriver/3rd_oracle and execute the command: ./gradlew publish -PreleaseURL=http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases/ -PrepoUserName=ish_deploy -PrepoUserPasswd=intershop
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